inside this inner feeling,
there is nothing to be told,
inside the fear that i've made,
there is everything that i hold,
from the beginning and the past,
the shadows that resembles the anger,
please forgive me,
that i always left u behind,
please forgive me,
the way i not to be kind,
please forgive me,
for the mistake that i've done,
please forgive me,
for i become so blind,
please forgive me,
for the anger thee swallow,
please forgive me,
for this madness that you go,
please forgive me,
for not letting you go,
please forgive me,
that i didn't mean to do so....
all this happen to be so cruel,
i'm so depressed,there is nothing i can do,
the torturing keep stabbing me deeply inside,
my self are out of my sight....
i'm feeling so alone,feeling so empty...
i'm not what i am
alone i walk,and the light i may find,
for thee i always,keep you in my mind....
muirn betha-dan
2 years ago
i will always keep u in my mind too :) especially the good things